Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Beautiful Day!

Hello All!

It has been a while since I have written an actual post, rather than stick a quick picture up....I have been busy sewing pinafores and trying out various ways to make halter dresses that can be worn as a skirt later. The pinafores are so easy!! I avoided making them although I really liked the idea of them....reversible and so cute over jeans or leggings. Now I can't stop! I have made 5, from six 6 to 12 months right up to size 4. I need to put the buttons on and then I will have pictures to post!

On to other is so beautiful out today! From my dining room I can see Mt. Fernie. I am toying with the idea of abandoning all sewing projects today to head outside. Ilan loves getting out and Guinness deserves a big swim today. Reika is currently (you haven't met her yet, our misbehaving collie/lab mix) nipping at his feet and he is trying to escape under the table. Speaking of Mt. Fernie, my husband, Ilan and I went for a hike up Mt. Fernie trail along the Moccasin. Ilan was super happy in his pack. He slept for the first hour while we wandered around looking for the trail head. For the rest of the hike, he chattered away and dad translated....Wonder what he is really thinking....It was a beautiful hike and we hope to do it again but earlier in the day when the haze from the heat doesn't blur the pictures. From the top, is a awesome view of the Elk Valley and I feel awfully lucky to be here.

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